Book a Class

Introduction: Join our informative classes to learn about various aspects of family law. Each session is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate your legal matters confidently.

Class Information:

  • Basics of Filing for Divorce 9/14/2024

  • How to File for Modifications or Orders 9/21/2024

  • Preliminary Disclosures 9/28/2024


  • When: Saturdays at 12 PM

  • Cost: $125 per person per class

  • Duration: 1 hour per class

Note: Please submit your questions to prior to the class to ensure all are answered.

To Sign up please fill out form below.

Once we receive the form we will send you a the link to pay for class through email and confirm the class you wish to attend and send you a link to attend.

Thank you

Look forward to seeing you in class :)